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6226 1200
06 March 2023

Celebrating Women in Business with HIA

Amanda Zucker

Special Counsel

To celebrate this occasion Simmons Wolfhagen Lawyers Launceston team recently attended the “HIA Building Women’s Breakfast” hosted in Launceston to meet with other successful women within the industry and hear from keynote speaker Rachel Downie. Rachel has years of experience guiding people as they make lasting changes to create the results they want in all aspects of business and life.

As a recognised Employer of Choice by the Tasmanian Government since 2011 for demonstrating contemporary workplace practices and outstanding support for their staff, and providing opportunities for employees to build an effective work-life balance, it should come as no surprise that we boast a strong cohort of women solicitors providing exemplary legal services to the property, building and construction industry.

If your business needs legal guidance around common building & construction issues including; Getting Paid, SOP Act, Rise & Fall Clauses. Enforcement Notices and more, and you are looking for a female lawyer in Hobart, Launceston or Kingston with significant experience in property, building and construction law, whether it be commercial or residential, contact our expert team of solicitors today.

Or call 03 6226 1200 (Hobart), 03 6338 2390 (Launceston) or 03 6226 1200 (Kingston).

PLUS ALL HIA Members get a free 30minute consultation.

Simmons Wolfhagen has an arrangement with the Housing Industry Association to provide its members with a 30minute consultation at no charge.  Members are welcome to contact us to discuss the details of this arrangement.

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